5 ways to unlock higher AOV and revenue with AI for ecommerce

By Ian Nadeau on October 18, 2023

5 ways to unlock higher AOV

As an online retailer, one of your primary goals is to maximize profits. While increasing sales volume is important, it’s equally crucial to focus on the average order value (AOV) — the average amount spent by each customer per transaction. A high AOV indicates that customers are purchasing more items and spending more money, ultimately driving revenue for your business.

AOV plays a crucial role in profitability as it directly impacts your bottom line. By increasing the AOV, you can generate more revenue without incurring additional marketing or acquisition costs. This makes AOV a critical metric to monitor and optimize for sustainable growth.

To effectively optimize your AOV, it’s essential to utilize tools and resources that provide valuable insights and analytics. 

This is where AI can help. 

The relationship between AI and AOV

Now that we understand the importance of AOV, let’s explore how AI can play a crucial role in increasing it. In the context of ecommerce, AI can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions to provide personalized shopping experiences for customers.

AI-powered systems can understand customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. By leveraging this data, ecommerce businesses can make data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing strategies, product offerings, and pricing strategies. This level of customization and intelligence enables businesses to increase customer engagement and ultimately, the AOV.

5 ways AI can increase AOV

1. Tailored customer engagement

One of the key ways AI can help increase AOV in ecommerce is through tailored customer engagements. AI-powered platforms can synthesize customer data — like browsing history, purchase history, and demographic information — to understand each visitor’s preferences and interests. 

With this knowledge, online retailers can cater the shopping experience to the individual. With 80% of business leaders saying that customers spend 34% more when offered a relevant shopping experience, being able to tailor the engagement is vital for improving AOV.  

2. AI-powered product recommendations

AI can be utilized to generate intelligent product recommendations. By analyzing data from various sources, such as customer behavior, purchasing patterns, and inventory data, AI algorithms can identify products that are likely to appeal to individual customers — creating cross-sell and upsell opportunities. 

These recommendations can be displayed on product pages, shopping carts, and even in email campaigns. When customers see relevant product recommendations, they are more likely to explore additional items. 

Say a customer is purchasing a laptop, AI can suggest ancillary accessories such as a laptop bag or a wireless mouse. This relevant recommendation not only has the potential to increase the AOV but also enhances the overall shopping experience by making it more convenient for customers to find complementary products.

3. Dynamic pricing and promotions

Dynamic pricing refers to the practice of adjusting prices in real-time based on various factors — such as demand, competition, and customer behavior. AI-powered systems can analyze these factors and make intelligent pricing decisions to maximize revenue and AOV.

For example, AI can analyze customer data to identify purchasing patterns and price sensitivities. Based on this information, businesses can offer targeted discounts or promotions to incentivize customers to make a larger purchase. This can include offering a percentage discount for purchasing multiple items or providing a real-time incentive for high-value products.

4. Chatbots and virtual assistants 

AI is not limited to tailored journeys and pricing strategies. It can also be used to enhance customer service. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI can provide instant and personalized assistance to customers, helping them navigate through the buying process and make informed purchase decisions.

Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions, assist customers in finding the right products, and process orders seamlessly. By leveraging AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, ecommerce businesses can provide a frictionless shopping experience, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately, boost the AOV.

5. Social proof messaging

Consumers are purchasing products at a lesser rate due to inflation and price sensitivity. AI-driven social proof messaging can nudge these cautious consumers to checkout by creating confidence in their purchase through reviews, fear of missing out with limited inventory warnings, popular item messaging, view counts, and more.

Tips for implementing AI for AOV

Now that you understand the benefits of incorporating AI into your ecommerce strategy to increase AOV, here are some tips to help you get started:

Data collection and analysis: Ensure that you have a robust system in place to collect and analyze customer data. This will provide the foundation for AI-driven engagement and decision-making.

Start small and scale up: Begin by implementing AI in one specific area, such as product recommendations or dynamic pricing. Once you see positive results, gradually expand AI’s implementation across other aspects of your ecommerce business.

Test and optimize: Continuously monitor and measure the impact of AI on your AOV. Experiment with different strategies, algorithms, and approaches to find what works best for your specific business.

Invest in the right AI tools and technologies: Ensure you have the right tools and technologies to leverage the power of AI effectively — like Session AI’s in-session marketing platform

In-session marketing delivers the critical capability ecommerce brands need in the age of anonymous site traffic. With in-session marketing, brands can convert known and unknown visitors into customers, incorporate AI into their marketing efforts, and balance changing retail objectives (like emphasizing AOV over other metrics).

AI has the potential to unlock higher AOV and revenue for ecommerce businesses. By leveraging AI-powered personalization, product recommendations, dynamic pricing, and chatbots, businesses can provide tailored shopping experiences, increase customer engagement, and encourage larger purchases. 

Implementing AI into your ecommerce strategy requires careful planning, data analysis, and continuous optimization. However, the potential of increased AOV and revenue make it a worthwhile investment. Embrace AI in your ecommerce business today and unlock its untapped potential for growth and success.

Ready to boost your AOV with AI? Schedule a demo of Session AI’s in-session marketing platform. 

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