Level up to real-time offers

In three simple steps, we’ll show you how you can increase your conversion rates through real-time offers by only targeting your discounts to shoppers who are on-the-fence and highly influenceable.

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What is a real-time offer?

A real-time offer is a targeted discount to the on-the-fence shopper that lifts the conversion rate by giving a well-timed nudge to complete their purchase. Using prediction models to assign a purchase propensity score for each website visitor, we tested sitewide against real-time offers by measuring lift over the control for each propensity group.

We have done this for several eCommerce leaders and the results are consistent:

    • Conversion rate lift for on-the-fence shoppers is significantly higher than for all other groups.

    • The increase in conversion rate for some groups was barely worth the impact on margin.

    • The conversion rate for some groups is actually reduced(!) by showing offers.

Great, real-time offers work. But what if your promo calendar is completely saturated with other offers? Read the ebook to get three steps to level-up your promotion strategy with real-time offers.

Break the addiction to sitewide offers

Session AI in-session marketing identifies all three segments of shoppers early enough in their visit to tailor offer deployment or suppression and maximize your conversion rate and margin.

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Featured resources

Age of the Anonymous eBook

The Age of the Anonymous

Ecommerce has has gained an increasing share of the retail market year over year, however online shoppers have become increasingly anonymous during that same period. Read this guide to learn how you can convert anonymous shoppers using AI.

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AI incentive optimization data sheet download

AI Incentive Optimization Data Sheet

Download this data sheet to learn how Session AI uses real-time AI to autonomously manage on-site incentives

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Drive Sales Without Mass Discounts

Learn how to drive sales without mass discounts by leveraging new technologies and strategies that move away from sitewide promos.

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