Case study

National furniture retailer

Session-based segmentation uniquely allowed the retailer to increase CVR by 20% and sales by nearly $3 million.

Improve your effective online discount rate

The results


conversion rate (CVR) lift


revenue-per-visitor (RPV) lift


average order value (AOV) lift


in annualized revenue


A national furniture retailer upgraded its marketing efforts with real-time signals to determine how and when to use promotions. By only showing discounts to on-the-fence shoppers who needed an incentive to purchase, they were able to optimize their promotional spend — driving higher conversion and protecting margins.

With Session AI’s real-time predictions they were able to segment consumers by purchase intent, enabling the brand to target messaging, promotions, and incentives to the right visitors, while they’re still actively shopping.  

How we helped

With these real-time AI signals, the retailer is also able to use social proof to drive conversions for its on-the-fence consumers. By showing the number of other customers who have the same item in their carts, competitive price comparisons, and real-time counts of active product page views, the retailer is able to drive urgency. This helped improve their AOV, RPV, and CVR and increase their revenue by millions of dollars.

Real-time offers

Dynamic real-time offers encourage consumers to add more to their cart by promoting greater discounts for larger purchases (e.g., $50 off a $300 purchase or $100 off a $500 purchase). The retailer has had long-term success refreshing the offers with seasonal creative.

Product velocity

Showing “X people have viewed this product in the past 24 hours” when views are greater than 10 increases the likelihood that an interested consumer will convert.

Price savings

Prominently comparing the List Price and Display Price allows the brand to readily show visitors they are getting a deal with the percentage off in red on product description pages — boosting CVR through purchase confidence signals.

Email signup

Not every site visitor is going to make a purchase. When the AI predicts that a visit is unlikely to result in a cart completion, the retailer serves that consumer an email signup banner. This action allows the brand to stay in contact with unlikely-to-buy consumers until they’re ready to shop.

Promotional popups

When a visitor lands on a mattress product description page, the retailer serves a pop-up promotion for a free foundation or a base upgrade. Once added to the cart, the retailer displays upsell opportunities to further boost AOV.

Session AI ROI

Using Session AI, the furniture retailer uncovered unique segments based on early purchase predictions. This session-based segmentation uniquely allowed the retailer to increase CVR by 20% and sales by nearly $3 million without gathering personally identifiable information — a key capability that positions the retailer to grow its market share in an increasingly competitive and privacy-focused ecommerce market.

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